esc to dismiss

Letter, Katharine Tone to Preston Harrington Jr, March 5 1930

Katharine Spofford Tone (1904-1983) wrote this letter to Preston Meeker Harrington Jr (1904-1980) soon after their first meeting in Havana.

Don Ce-Sar Hotel
Pass-a-grille Beach, on the Gulf of Sexico
near St. Petersburg, Florida

Dear P.M. -

When I said good-bye to you that last Sunday night there were two things I forgot to tell you. That's the reason for writing-- as I'm sure it's all wrong for me to write to you first. But even if you did feel the urge to write to me (which you probably don't) you wouldn't know where to write. In Havana I honestly thought that I'd be seeing you again in Miami. I'm glad I didn't knw it was good-bye. I much prefer your Spanish expression "until tomorrow". I yet can't say it-- but I knew what it was when you said it.

But about the things I didn't tell you. Dad was sorry not to see you again as he wanted to tell you to look him up if you ever come to Pittsburgh. I don't see how I forgot that. I must have taken it for granted that you would look us up. So if you ever are out our way on business or pleasure then he and I should very much like to see you. You will let me know, won't you? Second-- a question. Very rarely, about once or twice a year I do get over to new York-- would you object strenuously if I were to call you up sometime just to say hello?

St. Petersburg has been much different from Havana. It's best described by saying-- there is no Casino-- there is no yacht club-- there is no marble terrace on which to dance-- there is no you-- there is no moon. There is an ocean but it seems they call it the Gulf of Mexico over here-- and there are a few stars but they seem much further away than Cuban ones. Here I have devoted myself to playing golf with daddy-- being lazy on the beach-- and reading. I've tried to buy a copy of the Atlantic to see if there might be an article by your south seas writer-- I'm curious now to read something of his-- but the latest copy does not seem to be out yet. I shall watch for it and him.

We followed in your footsteps and left Miami on a seven thirty bus, too, for Daytona but didn't stop off at Palm Beach. The beach at Daytona was wonderful but it was one of those places where in spite of crowds of people-- I felt lonely. Ever been in such a place? We're thinking of travelling again-- and will be on our way home Friday arriving Saturday. I had such a glorious time in Havana that Florida has seemed rather tame and slow in comparison!

Best o' luck to you always-- and may that fraternity affair you were planning have been a huge success.


Wednesday March Fifth
